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Why greeting cards are still the best

Why greeting cards are still the best at building relationships

Most everyone has a fantasy of how their ideal mate could make them melt. It could be a romantic night out with dinner and a movie. It could be an arm load of flowers. It could be an all expense paid shopping spree. It could be in a look. Search the internet, and you will find many have used the above examples and beyond to express their heart felt love and devotion to their loved one. And as you read further, you can still find in far too many of those efforts, the end result was a broken relationship. We have been programmed to think tangible objects and romantic gestures can build the perfect relationship. If that's all it takes, why are some of the richest people in the world who can afford to do this and more are alone or have multiple divorces under their belt?

It's because the key ingredient is missing...the lack of communication. Where as speech is the verbal advantage, you cannot forget to write out your feelings to your loved one. No matter the gender, we all love to read how our love one feels about us. Even in this age of electonic communication, we still save emails and texts just like they did with letters through the mail in the old days. And no matter what the occasion and/or gift, it is customary...no, required to include some written expression of gratitude for your partner's love for you. Even if you are present with your companion, they still expect a card to go with what ever gift you give them. They just want to read and envison what you say in their heart. You are their already, and your words are like colors they use to paint the perfect picture in their mind's eye.

It's been said a picture says a thousand words, yet the picture's worth is measured in words. Nothing takes the place of well placed words...nothing. Greeting cards attempt to touch and make an emotional copnnection with your loved one on the two major levels of communication. Visually and audibly. The visual part is the picture on the card. The audible is the words you write on the page. That's why it's important to write a message that comes from your heart on the blank side of the card. The card company may have the most verbally expressive poet on staff writing the verses on the inside. It pales in comparison to what comes from your true feelings no matter how silly you may think it sounds. Your efforts may seem horrible in your eyes, but they are drops of liquid love in the ears of your loved one. Don't ever under play the importance of sending a card that contains your own words. It is worth its weight in gold when it comes to securing a solid relationship.

Tim Taylor has helped many relationships grow and stay strong by providing a means to make verbal expressions that create that all important emotional connection

by Tim Taylor -

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Source: http://www.greetingcardgetaway.com